Has anyone had experience with the MX-4 thermal compound?

- in PlayStation

I ordered a thermal paste (Artic MX-4) and wanted to ask you out there whether anyone had good experiences with this paste?

I would make them on my CPU and GPU of my ps4.


Whatever sausage you take, they're all good.


The thermal paste is good. I used it on several PCs and also on my PS4.


Jo is good have that too.


Can't go wrong. I always use either this or Noctua's!


In principle completely correct, that's exactly how I see it. But bet that there's at least one here who is into silver or liquid metal WLP and rejects the other WLP's because they are supposedly no good. Then some temperature values are drawn on the hair, which should then also prove that. But, all nonsense. All myths and advertising damage.


Well that they are no good is nonsense. But that with silver etc. Pp. 2-3 degrees less are inside, can't be dismissed out of hand.

Now a 2-3 degree difference may not seem like much, but it can still decide whether the computer smears or not when overclocking.


Yes, that's exactly what I mean, 2-3 ° C. But that's practically nothing. And if a computer smears down with such a small temperature difference, then I would give some basic thought to the cooling in the affected computer. But that wasn't the point. I meant those who supposedly want to have achieved a 10-20 ° C better cooling performance with silver or liquid metal WLP, which I can't understand.


Yes it's good.

Both from the heat transfer and from the application.

I'm currently using noctua nt-h1. If you asked me for a recommendation I would give it.

How viscous the thermal paste is is often forgotten when comparing. Very thick pastes are often very stubborn when applied and can be quite frustrating, see here

Has anyone had experience with the MX-4 thermal compound

If you are just building a normal pc i would skip anything at 2 or lower on this diagram (except maybe liquid metal). It wouldn't be worth it to me.