Avengers Endgame. Why was Valkyre there? And other questions?

- in PlayStation

In the last part of Thor, the rest of the Asgardians were on this ship, including The Valkyre and Thor's new friends. Then Thanos came and destroyed the ship. The Guardians of the Galaxy only saved Thor. So why does Valkyre suddenly appear on Earth and pretend that she has been catching fish with other Asgardians there for years? And Thor's jail friends are also there and play Playstation, even though they were also on this ship that was destroyed by Thanos. So how do you explain the existence of these characters?

At the endgame, all Avengers appeared. Incl. Dr. Strange, the guardians and Spiderman. Dr. So Strange could easily get back to earth from Thanos' home planet through the rings. When Thanos left with the time stone, Dr. Long enough time to send Tony Stark and the rest of the earth down so Tony could be given medical treatment. Why wait until Thanos snaps his finger?


You can understand the whole story better if you also watch Infinity War.


Have you ever watched Infinity War?


I watched the film. And not just once. In which scene had the Valkyre been saved so that it appears on Earth?


Please name the scene where Valkyre left the ship before Thanos destroyed it


You have to be more careful. This is called context.


Valkyre and the others were there because, with Thor's friends and some other Asgardians, they were able to escape with small rescue ships during the attack by Thanos. The producers revealed this in an interview
I don't think Dr. Strange and the others had so much time to save themselves. After all, Thanos teleported directly from Earth to Titan, and then it only took a minute before he snapped. Until Iron Man, Dr. Strange, Spiderman and the Guardians were able to gather again so not much time passed. Apart from that, Dr. Strange what was going to happen and wanted to let history run its course


I think you don't know the answer yourself and therefore say something with context and that I should be careful when looking at it. I know the film and at no point can we predict that anyone other than Thor will survive the destruction of the ship. Otherwise the Guardians would have brought other survivors on board


Thank you. That was helpful!


Do you know Thanos He only kills half of everything he encounters. Ergo, of course, he didn't kill all the inmates on Thor's ship. The other half (including Valkyrie, Korg etc.) let Thanos escape. That happened just before Infinity War started.

Don't borrow endgame? fe femaleDazzling
Have several questions? Gi GibsonChick