Set Ps4 port sharing in the router?

- in PlayStation

My router: W 723V

Basically, I know what I have to do

The following problem: If I want to add a new port rule, I have to fill out a few things. (Ps4 has already been added in the router)

This is not a problem in itself.

With rule definition Ps4 comes in.

The type of rule is port forwarding. The affected device is Ps4.

Then you have to enter the port ranges at the bottom.

I did all of that but at the top is: Predefined port rules.

I have to choose something there but there's nowhere Ps4. And as soon as I choose something else, the port ranges entered below are gone. And I have to choose one of those things🙄

Hope someone can help me


The predefined port rules are supposed to make things easier for certain things. And since the router is a bit older, "only" the PS3 is entered there.

Therefore, you can also leave the top field blank and then come up with your own name for "Name". You fill in the rest as you researched it.


I did so but I should choose something from the predefined port rules. Otherwise nothing else happens. : /


Strange. I just re-enacted it here and it worked. I could change an existing rule or create a new one.

Does the manual say more? Unfortunately, I have to tell you that in this case I have to refer you to my colleagues at Computerhilfe. They have a lot more insight there.