Ps4 doesn't start anymore and doesn't beep?

- in PlayStation

Hello if I want to start my ps4 then it doesn't start anymore and you can hear this one beep you don't know why


Because the power cord was not plugged in?


Haha I thought too. Rather thought that the socket is broken.
or the playsi has blessed the temporal


God wants to show you that you should get the ps5


The latter could be. They also have a power supply unit, power supply units can break down. Power packs are interchangeable, however, if you do it yourself (attention, mains voltage!) It costs around 50 euro. Pay attention to the power supply model.


It could be that the dust in it is too thick with the ps3 it was similar that if the fan can't start the console doesn't even start with ps4, sony first let the fan start before the console can boot up with ps3 it was like that that a warning is displayed within a very short time if the fan is not working. Try to clean it and if that doesn't help just blow-dry a bit with the blow dryer on full heat over the circuit board (possibly take out the hard drive


Nah, probably more Sony.


A hair dryer can do something, but the temperature is very low for permanent soldering.


Ever tried to switch on the console directly and not via the controller?