EBay large letter game FSK18 who is liable?

- in PlayStation

I sold an FSK18 PS4 game on eBay. As shipping, I had to specify standard shipping (DHL package with age check from 18 years), otherwise it will be removed from ebay. In the description, however, I wrote that it will be sent in large letters, the shipping costs were only 1.55 euro. Now the buyer wants the money back because he allegedly did not receive it. It refers to the fact that I specified standard shipping (DHL parcel with age inspection from 18 years) and it was therefore insured shipping, although the description was different. He paid by bank transfer. Do I have to transfer the money back to him?


Specify standard shipping (DHL package with visual age check from 18 years)

That was your indication of the shipping.

If you have not done so now, you must also be liable if the goods do not arrive at the buyer.

So you have to transfer the money back to him


Do I have to transfer the money back to him?

Yes, without any ifs and buts:

Unilateral deviation from the contractually agreed shipping method
Violation of the youth protection law, that can be really annoying.

And I bet you're a minor yourself, right?


Lost the bet.


All the worse, something like that would not have been expected from an adult.

And it doesn't matter whether it does "as good as EVERYONE":
If the buyer should go to the police because of this and not because of your "shipping cost optimization" but because of your violation of the youth protection law, then you are due, that much is certain.

And I'm out of here.


What is the saying: Whoever does not want to hear must feel.

In this case you feel in your wallet: you have to pay back.

You are one-sided from the closed purchase contract. I.e. Deviated from the offered and purchased shipping method: https://dejure.org/gesetze/BGB/433.html

You acted against the youth protection law. Notification by the buyer is not excluded: http://www.gesetze-im-internet.de/.../__12.html

Your buyer can also report to ebay with the corresponding consequences.

Congratulations on a "mature" performance.


I asked if I had to pay him the money back, no more and no less. And not after any Almans who come directly with the seated and the police.


Well, it's FACT that you as a seller should be aware of these laws. Otherwise it can end badly.


Too bad you didn't understand anything, but you didn't understand anything either.

And whoever runs out of arguments will then be insulting.


If the description says that a DHL parcel will be sent, then you have to choose that too. I would do it for my own security so that I know that the shipment has arrived at the recipient.

So you have to pay back the money because you did not comply with the contract properly.