My mother upset me?

- in PlayStation

I'm 16 and have been talking to my mother for a few days about wanting to have GTA5 (there's an offer in the Playstation Store). All the time she behaved as if it was ok and that I had convinced her to buy it. I was 100% sure that I could buy the game and asked her again today if I could buy it now so that I could play it with a friend later. Then she more or less freaked out and said that I knew exactly that I would not get the game. I was totally surprised and didn't know what to say. Now I'm just angry and disappointed with their behavior. What's that supposed to do, first she pretends to buy it for me and then she roars at me like that? Also, I still want the game and I don't know how to address it. More than once I asked her what she found bad about the game, to which she never gave an answer. I know very well that she doesn't even know what the game is about. But apparently she doesn't want to deal with it either. I really thought she was ready to buy it, her answer was like a slap in the face. What shoud that? And how can I get the game now?


Did you possibly behave wrongly? Written bad grades or anything else?
Maybe she knows that it is from 18 and is therefore not suitable for you. You won't be able to do much there


I know very well that she doesn't even know what the game is about.

The part sounds like you think she would allow you if she knew what the game was about.

I think the opposite is the case.

In the end it will be difficult because the game is over 18. And that is usually a pretty firm argument.

Not that your mom uses this reasoning.

Unfortunately, the feeling creeps into me that you just misunderstood what your mum said.


She will know with certainty where the frog has her curls, guess what my kids had for a calf look when I listed them exactly what I know and that's why there's not that, they can buy them at 18 and out of them Mouse, my times not parents would be so underexposed, you'll have to wait now, that's called bad luck.


You can also use the game peacefully and just cruise through the area… To the beach, in the mountains, in desert areas, through the city etc… Every now and then you rob yourself of a new car and / or annoy the police etc


Yeah sure… And if the parents are not there it will be used, don't tell me anything


Could it be that you presented the game a bit one-sided? Because maybe she has made herself smart and informed elsewhere.

And I often disagree with the age restriction and can't understand how it comes about (in the past, I don't know current games), but the senseless violence in GTA requires the red seal of quality. I absolutely agree with the USK.

Btw, the days when parents couldn't use the internet to read reviews or had no friends who gambled are over. You will have to drive openly and honestly when you make online purchases…


Dear, we both know: the cunning little Gremlins get it anyway… You can pronounce as many bans as you want…

The game is no worse than the brutal cartoons on Nick & Co


Whether pupils, gremlins, lunar calves or whatever. The fact is that the game is from 18 - point there you can stand on your head and kick your legs.


He doesn't have to either, because he plays with his "BRO"… You didn't get anything from… Just like the drinks that the little ones pull in there…


GTA5 has an age rating of 18 years (USK and PEGI). There are very good reasons for this. Since you are only 16 at the moment, it is responsible if your mother prohibits this.

You misunderstood her statement before. Misunderstandings occur in every communication. When she's roaring, she's obviously as angry as you are. Aggression always occurs in relationships between parents and pubescent children. In this respect, you experience exactly what is to be expected. You are no longer a child, but you are not yet an adult. You will gradually free yourself from the dependency on your parents. This will always lead to friction, because it is part of the normal process of growing up.

Your answer is not a slap in the face. Face slapping is face slapping. Forbidding you to buy a game that is violently violent is completely correct in terms of content. The fact that she got loud is bad and you should sit down with her and discuss how you can sensibly avoid such outbreaks. Parents are stupid, but after all you are a family in which everyone is there for each other. Your parents probably make sure you get food and a roof over your head every day. You have a computer and are allowed to access the Internet. That's why I suspect that there's a certain supply, right? If GTA5 is really your biggest problem, go to your mother, thank you for the work and care.

Bigger mistake? Ta Talon78
Is that normal? - 1 Za ZanyIssac
Very strict mother? Why? Gr GreysonMeilani
How do you see it? Br Brick709