Why are my parents like that?

- in PlayStation

I get in trouble when I tell my sister to put something away. I get in trouble when I have my cell phone in my hand and I rarely have it in my hand. My sister always looks at her cell phone, when I say I always mean, even when eating. I barely have my cell phone in my hand and get in trouble. Why do I always have to get in trouble? I have finally played Playstation again for two weeks and I haven't even played for two minutes and get in trouble and my sister in the living room has been playing for five hours and my parents praise her.




Maybe you are bad at school and your parents want you to improve?


I don't think she ALWAYS looks at her cell phone. This is not possible. Because she also takes a shower or sleeps, etc.
I don't think you NEVER or rarely look at your cell phone.
I don't think you only played Playstation for two minutes.


Ask your parents why this is the case with your sister and why is it different?


How did you get to that

I hate my parents? Pe Pelicankenia
Unfair / parents? Ke KennedyButterfly