I can't take it if someone prescribes something for me?

- in PlayStation

In my opinion, my parents are far too strict when it comes to cell phones and electronics. In my vacation it is normal to stay up late and consume a lot (cell phone and consoles).

We even have the rumor that our father will even completely turn off the Wi-Fi from New Year (2020). I'm constantly being taken away from my cell phone and my beloved consoles. My father actually plays a lot on the ps4.

I personally find it unfair. I want to make my own decisions about my life and not be constantly determined and observed. I've been worrying a lot lately, but I don't see this as a reason. I just don't like that someone (even if it's my parents) determines me, also in other areas of my life.

Does anyone have any idea how to convince my parents otherwise and how I can easily decide about my life?


The question is always how old are you. Your parents still have custody and are allowed to anticipate or make decisions without you being able to do anything as long as you are under the age of 18.
My tip for you: try talking to your parents, suggesting compromises or doing a little bit in the household, which is always well received. If you have a good relationship with your parents, you can also talk to them better and more openly.


If you are not an adult, you have to follow your parents' instructions.

In my vacation it is normal to stay up late and consume a lot (cell phone and consoles).

Is not it.

completely turns off the WLAN.

He can do that too. After all, he pays for it.


At 14 you are not yet able to decide whether your cell phone and console consumption is too much or not. Most of the time the only argument is "But the others may…"


I know everyone would write that but I can do it. I have a few arguments in stock but my parents always just say "you sit too much in front of it" which excites me personally because I want to make my own decision about my life and not just this one Area.


Normally you can go far. In today's society everything can be called normal because a lot has happened in this century that changed our world. Of course he has the right to do so, only he will be able to continue using it and we will not what I find unfair. How old are you if i may ask


If your parents think it's too much, it's too much. Have you ever negotiated compromises? For example, Are you still looking for a hobby that does not take place in front of a screen.


I have some hobbies: I go (when there are no vacations) 4-5 times a week to exercise, tutoring and some other activities, which is why I prefer to take time for myself when I have vacations so that I can also chill. I already have very little time for myself and don't think it's fair if I can't use my remaining time.


I could be your grandma.


Then it is understandable that you are of this opinion. You grew up so that it is not nominal or at that time you did not have such opportunities. But you should just start to adapt or accept.

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