I'm looking for an old game for Playstation 1 or 2?

- in PlayStation

I'm looking for an old game that I used to like to play. I think that was for the PS 1 or 2, maybe also for the PC.

I can't remember much, but I think you played a boy in a city and somehow had to do things for the villagers.

I still remember that someday you are in a cemetery and you have to find something for him for a ghost or whatever in a kind of catacomb.

As I said, I have little clue but I still remember that sometime during the game a hole will open in this city due to a violent tremor and you have to jump down there. I don't know what else happens in the game anymore because that's exactly where the game got stuck.

I just don't remember what the game is called. Does anyone have an idea and knows the game too?


Is it 3rd person perspective or ego perspective?


3rd person


The cemetery reminds me of medieval.