Won money, pay for transportation?

- in PlayStation

First of all: I took part in an expensive competition and now, according to the nice lady on the phone, won a 5-digit amount.

Now to the problems:

1. I can't even remember having "finished" something, which can also be due to my forgetfulness.

2. I find a contribution of around 69 euro quite expensive. Unfortunately, I don't know my way around that well.

3. I haven't paid anything yet, but supposedly I've already won.

4. If the transport of the money due to the notary, the 2 security men, the armored vehicle and the money case secured with a 6-digit code cost a total of 1000 euro (if everything is good) However, it would probably not be possible to pay this amount in cash, by transfer or by direct debit, but only, and here it gets really weird, in the form of Steam or Playstation cards. Allegedly this is due to the fact that I'm not allowed to give the money to anyone in cash and that subsequent payment would not be possible. These cards can supposedly be exchanged at any time.

And since I find all of this very frivolous, I refused to accept the prize.

NOW to my real question.

Has anyone actually won a large amount of money here and could explain to me how something actually works, whether it costs what, if so how much, whether you had to pick it up or it was brought and who was there when it was handed over. Or was it simply transferred in an unspectacular manner?


Whenever you've won something that you don't remember and that you even have to pay for, it's a scam!

I've never won a sum of money, just prizes in kind that I could pick up on site.


The fact alone that you have to pay the money in the form of Steam or Playstation cards reduces the credibility of this supposed profit to 0%.


I haven't (unfortunately) won anything yet and therefore don't know how it works, but really now: It's something from SCAM! You don't really think that they want such sinfully expensive transport costs in PSN cards. For fun, you can have a certificate and its contact details given in black and white. Then take it to the police. Pay nothing!


That's exactly how it is


Of course that's a fake

have fun and ask for a callback number and test the function… Then show them… But don't tell them anything, as if you would go into it… The police will certainly want to take them up


The fraudsters would have long since died out if they could not count on income from their clientele over and over again.