Games lag despite a good internet connection?

- in PlayStation

I've had problems with… I don't know what for a week. I don't know what's coming and whether it's really my connection. MW and Fifa lag constantly and are unplayable. It's not only like this with the games, even if I'm just at the party with friends and want to talk a little, I can't understand a complete sentence from someone without it hanging. I play on the ps4 with a LAN cable (you can see the connection below). Hope you can help me…

Games lag despite a good internet connection

Bandwidth is not pinged.

You can have the highest bandwidth possible in the world, if the response time is high you will continue to experience lag and packet loss.

Have you ever checked to see if it works better on other devices on the same network? Tried ethernet connection to router?


Yes, so watching films and videos, streaming music or watching TV via Amazon TV Stick, everything works perfectly. It only affects my PS4.