My girlfriend suddenly ignores me?

- in PlayStation

About 3 days ago, my girlfriend and I reconciled after an argument. Everything went back to normal. We played together every evening at 6 o'clock on Ps4 (since a meeting is not possible now) and had fun. We also wrote as normal on Whatsapp. We said we love each other etc. But today it was somehow different… I only wished her a good morning before I wrote to her that I can gamble a little earlier today. However, she hasn't been online since yesterday (Whatsapp). I didn't think anything of it and assumed that she was still sleeping. In the afternoon I became a little more skeptical because nothing was still coming. At 6:00 p.m. I was slowly worried because yesterday we agreed to gamble again at 6. I called her 4 times, but she never answered. She didn't respond to my messages either. (She was on Whatsapp at the time, but didn't read my messages.) Then I saw that she was online on ps4. I created a party and invited her. No reaction. I assumed she was having dinner and tried again half an hour later. Again nothing. Then she went offline again. I wrote her one last time that I was worried. And please respond when reading this message. I turned off the ps4 and tried to find out why it was like that. Was it because of me? Hadn't she forgotten the argument?

I'm really desperate right now. I was about to write to her sister to ask what was going on. But I stopped because my friend had bothered me during an argument that I shouldn't always write to her sister when she was angry.

Do you know what to do now? I really do not know how to continue.


Wait. Anything else is of no use. Let her get excited and if she still does not answer after a few days, write to the sister (then she will see that you are important to you and you are worried)


Not even a day has passed, just leave her space and time.

Write her a message where you apologize and tell her how much you love her and then let her rest. She'll be in touch.


Can have different reasons.

- every person needs rest. You shouldn't annoy you. You wrote to her. 2x is ok (because she was online and sees that).

- also had arguments with her family

- think about the relationship, whether it still makes sense

3 options out of many

But honestly, what are you thinking about things that you don't have in your hand? Bring nothing


It could of course be that she is still angry or forgave you and has thought about the argument again and is now angry.

But maybe there's also a lot of emotion in her life or she has a lot of problems.

I would either ask her sister again because you are only worried about her or maybe go to her in spite of Corona, depending on where you live.


Everything is possible from the most harmless to a serious incident.


Thank you… I'm waiting until tomorrow. If there's still nothing, I drive over to her.

