What is a good video editing program?

- in PlayStation

I have had a Youtube channel called Nostalgiker for a very long time. As the name suggests, I specialize in older topics from earlier times. The reason for this is that I'm against almost everything modern. Be it brand clothing, new consoles, new music, etc. Before I do too much self-promotion, I would like to ask you the following:

I'm still a very small youtuber with poorer equipment (my recording device is the Ps4. A simple microphone from AUNA with pop protection). However, since others use special programs, I wanted to ask you which one you think is a good video editing program. An important requirement is that I can get the noise away because there's always background noise in my videos or my voice is causing the noise.

Thank you in advance for your time and your answers!

P.S If you are also a Nostagie head like me, since you are of course invited to have a look at me. I'm happy about every new viewer!


There are many different ones. Something for every taste. From your description I conclude that you are looking for something like this:

What is a good video editing program

I edit my videos with sony vegas, which does cost something. If you only care about the noise, you can get that away with audacity, it's free - only then would you need a program in which you can cut and render the new soundtrack with the video. That also works with movie maker


Thank you for your help!


Thank you very much! Will try it out the days.


The noise should switch off at the source and not afterwards in the processing. This is just a mediocre compromise that shouldn't satisfy you. It also costs time.

To the video editing program, that can mean everything… From just cutting and a few tracks to complex projects. The more complex the more difficult and longer the familiarization.

OpenShot can be used for normal processing and DaVinci Resolve for more complex ones. Avidemux is available for a clean cut (without traces or frills).

Expensive programs (Camtasia Studio, Sony Vegas, …) for little money (~ 30 euro) are sometimes available as a bundle at Humble Bundle. If necessary, subscribe to the newsletter for bundles.


Thank you for your very detailed answer!