Ps4 controller from bundle defective what now?

- in PlayStation

I have a little problem with my ps4 controller. First of all, it must be said that I'm not a human being who is easily angered, so it will not be because I throw him against the wall… I mean; 60 euro hello? In addition, I only own my PS4 pro since Christmas 2018. (Bought on Black Friday but just as a gift). Now it is like that, that the right stick after "snapping back" out of one movement moves constantly to the left, until I touch it (sometimes it just happens without me doing anything). I reset the controller to factory settings, tried on the PC (also moves there equally left) and unfortunately do not know what I can do. The only option would be to change it, but the problem is that I have no idea if you can swap a controller that was part of the PS4, or if I'm just unlucky, that it's a controller with a technical defect is…

I hope one or one of you may be able to give me tips from my own experience, let alone say, what would be possible in this situation.

I thank you in advance and wish you a nice evening!


If the controller is defective, you can exchange it is guaranteed on it even if you bought it together with the console you have a claim on it. Where did you buy that?


Of course you can exchange the controller. Simply contact the dealer where the controller was purchased.


She was bought for me as a gift at mediamarkt


Then just go to mediamarkt and tell them that then they have to exchange it and if they say something stubborn. Buy for a long time nothing more at mediamarkt except small stuff because I always have problems with exchange. Have now a tv at home constantly forgets the transmitter because the net wanted to exchange. Fortunately, only kitchens are tv


At that time already 3 times ne wii remote control exchanged there and they did not feel foolish luckily 😂


Yes, I just have an unacceptable (swear words you can't write net.) media market with me.