Playstation 4 maybe broken?

- in PlayStation

I'm a passionate gamer and have had my PS4 since December 2013, so of course it's clear she will eventually give up. However, she has never troubled until today. I wanted to play a round of gambling (it's a ritual after getting up to play for me), and then I saw that there's a new software update. I downloaded it immediately. The normal process begins, Ps4 reboots, update loads, but then something unexpected happens. The Ps4 goes out, instead of starting again. I then turned on the PS4 normally, but then there was '' An error has occurred. '' And down in the corner was '' (X) Next - (O) Back ''. However, I could not press anything. The only way out was to pull the plug. I tried to reboot the PS4, but nothing happened. 2 minutes later I finally managed to get it started. But then there was again '' An error has occurred. '' I have pulled the plug again. Now I do not want to turn it on again. If it helps you, my PS4 overheated since yesterday suddenly really fast. Twice the message came yesterday '' Your PS4 is overheated. Turn it off and wait until the temperature drops. '' Thanks in advance!


Take your USB stick, put the PS4 update file on it, install the update again on the stick. The update was interrupted and therefore changes may not have been made completely, which is why it can't be started now. The problem with the heat can be corrected by renewing the thermal compound.


I have often read that the new update is a problem with many PS4 systems is separated vllt. Do you call support?

But if you still play with the PS4 from 2013 is that still the first model or?

I would really advise you as a gamer on a new model or even the Pro umzuschteigen because you really have fun with then (graphically)


I would try again to perform an update with a USB stick.


The problem with the heat can be corrected by renewing the thermal compound.

Since it is since yesterday, it could also be due to the faulty update.


Yes that would be a possibility. I do not own a Playstation 4 which is why I can't quite judge that right now.


Does not work, the PS4 is not really on.


Does not work, the PS4 is not really on.


The PS4 should be able to boot into Safe Mode without any problems.


Turn it off for a moment and then press the power button for 7 seconds