When will the PS5 be available in stores?

- in PlayStation

The PS5 started today, but where were the consoles in all the stores? In vain I camped in front of the Media Markt, hoping to get hold of one and had hoped more that it would be like the PS4 launch.

Now to the real question:
When will the PS5 actually be available in retail? I'm not talking about pre-orders or online purchases, I'm not interested in them because I want to examine the product on site. Does anyone know more inside information possibly when the console will officially be available in all retail outlets in Germany?


Sony announced a few days ago that dealers like Media Markt, Saturn and Co. Are only allowed to sell the PS5 through their online shop this year due to Corona.


And what does that mean for next year? Available in stores from the 1st?


As far as I know, it is currently not being delivered to stationary retailers due to the global corona pandemic. The first consoles are expected to be available in stationary stores in spring 2021.
Personally, I also find Sony very considerate and forward-looking, because which manufacturer wants to be associated with being the trigger for superspreader events.