PS4 controller no longer charges?

- in PlayStation

I have a little problem with my Dual Shock 4 controller. In short: the thing no longer charges. The controller is less than 4 weeks old (bought at Saturn), but when I connect the cable to charge, nothing happens.

The light in the back just doesn't go on anymore. It didn't fall off or anything and, as I said, it's as good as new. Even connecting the cable for hours does not help. I have already tried to charge it via the PS4's USB, via an external adapter, etc. (always worked without problems before).

Twice it flashed red briefly when the cable was plugged in (should normally be orange), that surprised me a bit, but as I said - nothing has lit up for a few days. A second controller works fine.

I've already tried to reset the controller (via the small hole in the back) - without success.

Does anyone have any idea what to do?


Return that thing and buy a new one.


Thanks for the helpful answer!