Ps4 ban because of a report in which I have insulted myself?

- in PlayStation

So earlier, my friends insulted me really hard, completely pointless and racist, not just my mother or something. Unfortunately I also wrote two "bad" things e.g.: I choose your Mum du Nutt ** and hdf. I have reported all of them, but now I'm afraid that my Acc will be banned because I have insulted myself, so I saw something like an unintentional self-report. But this is the first time that I have reported or I've never received a penalty because I've never been reported. I'm now simply wondering if I'm also banned because I insulted myself in my report and if so, I will be banned forever on PS Network?

I'm happy about your answers ^^


If the mod is an HS you could be permanently banned but probably for 3 months if at all


Hey usually you won't get banned because of insults you will only get a warning if these reports are processed at all

I think a perm spell is completely unlikely for that you would have to overdo it really hard


The entire chat is read through by a moderator, even if you only report one message. So you will also get a penalty. Because it is your first offense, it can be a warning, but very tough things could lead to a ban.

But how anti-social is it to report your own friends on PSN?


That the whole thing was a personal dispute among friends (private) what an admin / moderator can see in the chat process I don't assume something like this happens in every chat system 100,000 times a day I would tap a warning

It would be something else if this happened in public


So actually that was private that was just in a group room where me and my friends are in there


So a private space would be something else if you now play in multiplayer and insult other players for no reason

if chats were to ban all users after a small private dispute, they would quickly have 30-50% fewer users


Will most likely be a warning.


Hey little update my friends couldn't join the parties and say now we're all banned safe, right?


The extent to which they could not join the parties came a certain error message don't get mad if this is really your first offense I can't imagine that they will ban you for two insults at least not permanently


I don't know all of my friends are JZ kicked out of parties all the time.


You won't get kicked out of the party. It has nothing to do with it. Either you get a warning or you are banned. All messages with insults will be deleted. Nothing more will happen.


Ok, interesting


Is it then displayed so a window just pops up or what?


I don't know exactly they say they can't join or are always kicked out more they don't say


I don't know whether the two words "Your That" can be included or not


Dad *


Maybe they want to scare them, so it's best to go to bed and see if you can still log in tomorrow


Can I still watch now?


What do you mean by that


So can I already see if I can log in?


So they can also play online e.g. Ultimate Team so Fifa


Of course, I'm not your father, you don't have to ask 😂 you could try that over and over again all night, but I would recommend you sleep for a while, sleep properly for 10 11 hours and then look again


With the notifications you will receive a message called "From Playstation". If you are banned, you will most likely be logged out shortly afterwards. I have no idea, has never been banned.


You get an email when you are banned, right?


Ah ok


Honestly, no idea I don't know that luckily I've never made it


Me neither