What should I give my friend? He will be 15?

- in PlayStation

I (w / 13) have been with my boyfriend for almost 2 weeks. He will be 15 tomorrow and joa. I asked him what I should give him, he said it did not matter, just something small. I do not want to give him an exaggeratedly expensive present now, because if he then makes an end or something. He is interested in soccer & gambling. (PS4, so fortnite, etc) I may see him on monday because he wanted to meet me there, and we actually have to go to school. I have to hide the gift somehow from my family because they do not know me yet have a boyfriend because I really wanted to wait and see if it's serious. And yes, it's serious, we've kissed a thousand times with tongue, messed around, etc., but somehow I still do not dare to tell my parents that I have a boyfriend, because my mother has recently addressed me that she found a note between my school things, where I wrote with a friend about the meeting with my friend (there was that we kissed, which was like a movie, etc) and my mother asked me why I have a boyfriend, but I said that the paper has 2 friends from my class, because one has a boyfriend. And when I met him (4 times or so) I always told my parents that I meet with a girl of my class and since they found the letter, they somehow do not want to believe me anymore.


Merci collection


I could still print a photo of us, on which we embrace each other.


That's true! He will certainly be happy!


I'll try.


You write that the relationship after 2 weeks what is serious, sounds really long term.

buy him a lollipop


What, it's his birthday and did not invite you to celebrate with him? What is that for you?

If you still want to give him something, bake him a cake. On the occasion, you can also pour your mother pure wine. That's not stupid! She has long since noticed that something is going on. Mothers have a sixth sense for something like that. What good is it for you to lie to her? You may still need her advice and help very well, e.g. When it comes to procuring contraceptives. So please, be honest with her. She knows that, after all, she was your age and you have about 50% of her DNA. Do you think she was so different from you?


Yes, he is celebrating with his father because his parents are separated. But I'm afraid to say that to my mother /


Why scared? Is your mother a monster? Tell her. She will be as proud as Bolle that her daughter brings her so much trust. And that in the difficult time of puberty. Your mother loves you. Maybe she'll tell you one or the other trick how to wrap guys around your finger. It has a lot of experience ahead of you that you could benefit from. But you have to talk to each other!


Well, the problem is that I do not live with her.-. I do not trust her because I see her maybe twice a month


I had no contact with her before, only for 2 - 3 years, I did not write this because it is quite private and joa