Forgot receipt with code?

- in PlayStation

I have the following request. Yesterday I was at Mediamarkt to buy again a Playstation + membership. This is done by a code that stands on a receipt, which you then have to redeem.

The last time, when I got the credit, the cashier forgot to print the receipt, so he had to 'run after' me to give me the ticket.

This time I was in a hurry again, so unfortunately I have not checked if the bon is there. Now I wanted to redeem the credit today, with the realization that the bon was not handed to me again.

Can I go to Mediamarkt today and will the receipt be handed over later? Because in principle it's not my fault, right?


You can't prove that you were there yesterday so I think you have no chance


I think it's your fault…

But asking does not cost anything…


If you noticed that on the same day, chances would be high to prove it and the bonus still findable, but chances are 0 the next day.


Because in principle it's not my fault, right?

You know that the code is on the bon and just go without giving it to you and check it afterwards at home? But you do not have to understand that right now…

You should be able to request the receipt again, because there's a coding code on the goods where you can scan in the price and article and thus also determine that it has already been paid


You can run with full force in front of the wall and stay dizzy.

But if that happens a second time and who has learned nothing from the first time, it is your own fault.

Go and try it. It can't happen to you more than that, it does not work out.


But, I have the normal ticket, only the one with the code.


Oh man there you are right…


My pleasure ;-)


Yes, it was stupid of me.