Far too strict mother?

- in PlayStation

My name is Lennart 16 1/2 years old, go to a high school in the 10th grade. I'm by no means a showcase student, my grades are at a half-yearly average of 3.2 unfortunately I would have 2, 4.5er in the certificate and that in major subjects. But I'm not Assi like most of the kids these days, I do not smoke, I do not drink, I do not listen to Assirap and I never have extracurricular problems. My mother has been taking my cell phone away every evening since the 5th grade, no matter if I wrote better grades for a while or worse. It just always brings the same cheap arguments. My Playstation and my laptop are both bought by myself (as is my mobile phone), but I only get them on Friday afternoons and I have to hand them over again on Saturday. I'm 16 years old and I think that I should slowly take over responsibility for my media consumption. But with my parents can't discuss, I'm DIRECTLY written and they interrupt me so that I can't say anything (especially my mother). She simply can't understand that every other normal child in this world at my age is allowed to decide for herself how to do it with the media. I do not remember what to do, please help me.

PS: Please do not say now that I only have to wait 1 1/2 years until I'm 18 and then I can decide it anyway. I know that!


Try to beat them with their own weapons and show them that you are no longer a small child. You want to be self-determined and should be allowed to. Normally, parents are happy with independent children. Your mother clearly exaggerates. So the next time she screams, yell back and calmly tell her something like 'You've been treating me that way way too long. This is not possible and it is high time that something changes. I'm 16, as good as grown-up, and no longer treat myself like a toddler. '


Who pays for the electricity and the Internet for the devices.

Just say that you pay the electricity and the Internet costs on a pro rata monthly basis.

Otherwise, you really have to wait until you have your own booth, because your parents say that until 18


Wow, that's really a good suggestion thank you


This is a disrespectful impudence, which would cause mur to do the opposite. A bad suggestion. Finally, the parents have agreed to the purchase and can also restrict the use. "Strict" and "exaggerated" are purely subjective opinions. I call this consistent education.


Hmm you suggest that she makes a child-safe app on the phone and time limits sets so you sleep at night and nivht tuned to it can be easier to handle than a mother who takes it off)) in the ps4soll you just fsk the settings einmachen and then you can keep them theoretically or she makes in the router for any device ne time lock in if they do not trust you… I think it's better than if you take it completely


Then you mean it's good that he has to be treated by his parents like the last dirt? He writes that he has bought things from his own money. It needs no approval. Of course, this has to do with consequence - but consistently go the wood path to the end. Penalties and restrictions have never been effective. He is an independent person, 16 years old and should be treated like this!


She obviously does not trust him and has an insane control compulsion and that he should also support by posing as the culprit?!


He writes that he has bought things from his own money.

Moment - just paying the phone itself is one thing. The device alone does not connect yet!

Here it would be necessary to clarify who will pay for the running costs!

Parents are NOT required to fund cell phone contracts or prepaid cards for their children. Even a pocket money to pay, there's no obligation!

If you feel so grown up at the age of 16, then you should also look at yourself and not always put the parents as the absolute problem!

There will surely be reasons why parents treat the child's media consumption like this and not otherwise!

Why, in the present time, do all children behave like little gods and already as minors want to be smarter than their parents? What's going on in your mind?

Even if the Filius turns 18 and continues to use the hotel's parents, he will still have to comply with the parents' requirements! It is and remains the apartment (the house) of the parents and who pays the music, who also says what is played!

By the way, I advise EVERY yearlings to deal with their "duties" as adults at times! For the first time, God has made the duty of every right! So please do not assume that you only have new rights at 18 and you do not need to say anything!

Anyone who thinks he should take off immediately and earn his own living! Then and only then, you can do and leave what you want!


And as long as you put the feet under my table, you do what I say!


He should be Joar. So he gets the phone and can gradually evidence that she can trust him


I did not want to put it so clearly - but yes, this saying is still valid today!

Parents are not incapacitated, just because the brood is 18, -

But THAT seems to be the least clear!

Exactly from the 18th birthday, you are financially responsible for yourself. Another support of the parents, there's only neediness and you have to prove that you and his duties - the da.a. If you are determined to push ahead with your own training - you also have to prove yourself unsolicited. Otherwise there's nothing more!

Therefore, really everyone is well advised, if he is busy at times with his duties and not just somehow daddelt around with his cell phone or PC and his age of majority calmly come to him.

"The parents MUST yes and then maybe even to 25" ^^ - nothing must the parents and if, then only to very clear rules - you're finished with 18 and beyond only a petitioner!


Are you already "done", with your scolding tirade on the evil old? ^^

Remember exactly where you wrote this post and then just have a look over here, if you have your own kids at that age. At the latest, then, a whole chandelier will dawn on you what it means to give children so much freedom, that they learn to deal with it and to set as many boundaries as necessary, so that they do not beat the strings!

Theoretically and in your young years, one feels overpowering, as if one could "reinvent" the wheel and "unhinge" the world - if we know everything, we have everything through!

By the way, a bit more respectful treatment of the older generation, would be some young people today pretty well. Remember, you are the old man of tomorrow and you will be criticized as well and maybe even brushed down twice as much as you think you are allowed to claim it for you and that is faster than you think ;-)

Have fun in the implementation of your fantasies - I was successful, mine are big and well advised and what comes out of you, so you will then have to cope alone. ^^

All the best


Prima auchmama, you can't say it better!


Thumbs up for the right statement. But why are you screaming?


Oh, come, I do not see any dirt here. You have no idea about the private life of the FS. Above all, I'm surprised in the comments with auchmama that you seem to be sufficient, A subjective opinion to read and thus 2 adults with competence herunterzuputzen. For a serious answer, I also need the opinion of the mother. Otherwise no serious answer is possible. Even your answers are dubious. What competence do you have for your arrogant allegations?


Well, sure to make yourself heard, because what is said is so important ;-P


What rant?

I was a little upset when I chatted out of the sewing box. The rest is factual: analysis of the situation, examples of problems and solutions, logical thinking. That's called constructive criticism.

Incidentally, you are pretty much deviating from the topic.


Where did I write something of filth? Of course, I do not know his private life, just like him or his parents. The question is all we have at basics. This applies to me as well as to you and everyone else on this site.

What competence do you have for your arrogant allegations?

I like to give that back.


Caps Lock? To give this senseless sentence the necessary emphasis.


Sure, you have not yet found the dripping sarcasm from the sentence…


Then you probably have not understood the topic yet - but maybe someday something… Do not torment yourself until then. ^^

And please leave your sewing box closed, because it looks like cabbage and turnips ;-)

But at least you are slowly returning to normal sound. Is already an approach!


You write in a reply to me: "So it's good that he has to be treated by his parents like the last dirt?" Apparently you have lost the overview! Just this one-sided question is not enough for a serious answer. Not for me, but apparently for you. My question about your competence is not answered, but immediately asked back. Very interesting! For your eloquent statements, namely life experience.


It seems you do not know that capital letters mean screaming. So why are you screaming? My dad used to tell me, "As long as you put your legs under my table, I'll decide what's going to happen." I have accepted this arrangement out of respect for my father, understood later. Who finances the life of not yet adults, has the saying: "Wes bread I eat, the song I sing!" The FS is still a minor, as already mama has determined correctly, and has therefore to submit.


Thank you mama, for this subtle answer! RMDav throws himself over with academic, past life-saving words. My father made mistakes? No, he thought that is the one who has the say, which finances one. This is still so with minors today. And that such a clever education consultant does not know the habits of Girlfriend in capital letters is unbelievable. Everything will be fine.


I see two of them here, one of them running past the topic for miles and miles, and the other, who comes with allegations around the corner, but has no arguments herself.

If I experience so many young people today, I get the naked horror

Here I have to agree with you for once and thus deviate from the topic. These are like me, mainly mothers in the age of about 20-30 with small children who slip to the other extreme, namely their children offer absolutely no education. Here, the parents are consistently overwhelmed because they approach completely wrong to their children. But the thing is, I'm not talking about such cases and have nothing to do with it myself.

Capslock are finished in capital letters…


Sorry to say that I'm a little chosen to underline the seriousness of my statement. I also like to write dialect, then you understand even less.

But hey, it does not matter anyway what and how I write here. You hang up on every little bit. Instead, bring an argument to the table.


There's nothing left to argue about, because you're distributing grades, which types are good or bad ("deviant"). I mean, as long as minors are funded by parental allowance, they have to stick to their parents' house rules. If they are 18 and without income, they still have no opportunity to oppose the will of their parents. Your opinion is contrary to that. And that's good.


Capslock are finished in capital letters…


And that means "screaming" on the internet!

Look here, smart users of the good question clarify you on:

You write about "mothers", between 20-30 years - I even know fathers in their age who do not get it baked!

And then only the gradual adults who ask here daily and whose main problem seems to be: "Who will pay me in the future what and how much is mine?"

May I be so outrageous and ask, from which year you come from and in how many children you have already implemented your ideas? So not only plan - so purely theoretical, but it is about your practical experience implemented…


Congratulations for this answer. I did not want to ask that at first.


A capitalized word in a text should be highlighted. Several capitalized words should also be emphasized. Or do you want to tell me now, a book is yelling at you? You still have not understood the dripping sarcasm of my uppercase words.

As a rule, it is mothers who sit in the cafe with their girlfriends and chat, while the children run into the waiters' feet and jump on the cushions with their shoes matted. I have never said fathers are infallible and Schnorrern was never mentioned. So what do you want here again from me?

I have work experience and my private life is none at all.


HE has to prove HER after years of mistrust that she can trust him? In dubio pro reo tell you something? In court it is said 'in doubt for the defendant' but in a family 'from the beginning absolutely everything is used against the defendant - whether justified or not'. Sorry but too many families in focus?


Deviating is neither good nor bad, but practically not available, because it has nothing to do with the topic. It is only possible to distribute notes when I read something relevant here - for example, the performance to your father. I did not write anything about deviations, but I wrote my opinion about it and we discussed it, did not we?


Let's leave. Questions about your competence to give advice to a 16-year-old far-sighted advice are ironed out: "It's none of your business!" If you have private competence, you can communicate that. Auchmama hit the mark with you.


I'm not obligated to divulge anything about my private life here. Above all, I'm fully aware that you are only looking for opportunities to pull me through the cocoa. I'm not that stupid.


What do you want to tell me with these hints? If you already give me accounts and guidelines around the ears, please tell me what your other account Demelebaejer has to look for here. It is more than noticeable that both accounts ALWAYS! At the same time answer and like each other… From the strange Zwischengelaber I do not even start.


First an eloquent recommendation to a minor FS. Then you are asked for your competences, and your house of cards collapses. "You are not obliged…" Oh go, this retreat surprises me. I expected from you, as well as Auchmama, that you are also a dad who has already brought 2-3 teenagers through life and have allowed them liberties as adults. Then you have skills, not otherwise.


The funniest and most incredible answer, since I'm on Good Question. I'm laughing.


Live with the opinion of someone else, because we have freedom of expression. I think he should do this as I said, not you. Do you have to leave the factual level just because you can't pull it out?


Which house of cards? Which retreat? Private information has nothing to look for on the internet 'the internet does not forget anything', besides, neither you nor mom and everyone else here is neither my age nor my family planning. By the way: one imagines, if at all, first. Who tells me that you have killed 2-3 teenagers? Auchmama does not know that either. My remarks and recommendations are facts and I stand by them. Try that. You attack me personally instead of bringing arguments. But where from? Does not work if you do not have one.


Just because I can't understand it, I asked you. Discussions can bring light into the darkness.


Imagine: Aha, do not know when and how you imagined. Your own life experience, as I have it, you doubt it. However, you will not get my family book. Since you have to believe my information already. I have arguments that you do not appreciate. Your disservice arguments to the 16-year-olds are based only on nebulous "experiences", nothing specific. That's what I mean by "house of cards" and "retreat". My demand, whether you already have fathering experience with 16-year-old son, is indignantly rejected. That is no basis anymore. That's it then.


I can see it quite simply when he shows her with the fuses. Hey, set me what you want me to do, so she will not beg too long, loosen it, and gradually gain the confidence she should already have, so there have been a few children in the relationship


Your own life experience, as I have it, you doubt it.

This is my text.

Since you have to believe my information already.

based only on nebulous "experiences", nothing specific.

You see the problem here?

You demand that I believe your non-existent statements without ifs and buts, calling my long-detailed statements "nebulous" at the same time. That is indeed no basis. I have to agree with you.


Ah, wonderful. Is Kathedergeschwätz! Sorry!


What is Kathedergeschwätz in German? Not even Google knows. It offers me philosophy in the GDR, egg cells freeze and the Jenaische general Liteaturzeitung from the year 1838 on.




Using technical terms that you can't explain yourself is always bad.


I can explain it, but I do not want it.


Gg ez.

Bigger mistake? Ta Talon78
Very strict mother? Why? Gr GreysonMeilani
Is that normal? - 1 Za ZanyIssac
Too strict? Pr Presley639
How do you see it? Br Brick709