Find players for the Ps4? App / website?

- in PlayStation

Back then I had WorldofNerds on my Samsung. Unfortunately I now have an iPhone where the app is no longer available. I'm currently using the GamerLink app. Unfortunately I find the app confusing and the app can't be set to German.

My question: Do you have apps or websites (rather not) that you can recommend? One like the 2 apps mentioned above? I can theoretically search for a Discord server on my server, but…

• The app should show many players
• Clear and clean. • Be aligned with Ps4. • On games like Rs6, Rocket Leauge or Modern Warfare

I thank you in advance


Everything except Rocket League, I would be there. Zt. But again increased blackout - BO4.


Rather looking for Rocket League❤️ But thanks for your offer
Ps: DeJugo247


I can't even go straight there 😂

