Do you know a good app for creating faces?

- in Nintendo

It is so:

I came up with a story and wrote it down. I want to draw pictures of their faces from the human characters of the story. But when I tried to paint such a picture of the villain of history, I somehow did not manage to paint it the way I had it in my head.

In order to be able to reasonably draw him and the other human characters of my story, I need a template.

The best would be an app that creates human faces, with which I can create the faces of the human figures and sign off later.

I do not know, however, with which search term I should search for such an App.

It is important to me that the faces in this app are shaped realistically, for example, not like the Mii's in Nintendo 3DS.

It must also be available on the App or Microsoft Store.

My question:

Do you know such an app that you can recommend to me?

If not, then at least suggest to me, with which search term I should search for such an app in the App or Microsoft Store.


If you want to make a really realistic face, you will probably have no choice but to familiarize yourself with a 3D modeling program. Blender is freely available but can be overwhelming in the beginning.


I do not know an exact app that represents real realistic faces, but how about if you are simply looking for the emotions and the look of pictures, is probably a photo of a person that fits your story?

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