Online fraud / what to do next?

- in PlayStation

I try to keep it short.

I was cheated on Ebay classifieds, there I wanted to buy a cheap PS4. Unfortunately I made the mistake without paying security in advance (cell phone numbers were exchanged and everything came across very seriously).

When there was no answer to the question about shipping, I knew. Now I've tried everything, called Vodafone via his (canceled) number, filed a complaint with the police, reported to my own bank and informed eBay classified ads.

Now it was a week ago and I called the police, who said "something like this can take up to 2 years, we'll get in touch." (He was very unfriendly.) Now I wonder if this statement can be left as it is. You would only have to call his bank using his IBAN and request the customer data? All of this is very questionable for me, above all I had put more emphasis on the German legal system, unfortunately I couldn't simply withdraw my money with the bank transfer.

How would you react? Leave it like that or report back to the police?

Are there any other things I could still do about this?


How long have you been waiting for an answer?


Are there any other things I could still do about this?

Don't be so naive in the future.

Just because you exchange phone numbers doesn't make it serious. You can also create an account with another ID card, which is why a "German account" does not have to be reputable.

German law system

Everything has its limits. Think a little yourself and don't blame the state for everything, YOU are to blame.


There's nothing you can do except wait for the police to investigate. As you have been told, this can take up to 2 years.

After such a long time, the account probably no longer exists and the data has long been deleted from the bank.


Well a week and then I reported to the police


Or incorrect account information


The police have no deadlines for their investigation. However, it should react swiftly and also treat citizens who are looking for help politely.

If the police fail to fulfill their duties, you can deal with them with an official complaint. Send this to the line manager and explain the circumstances. You will then be informed of this. The manager will then instruct the relevant officials to deal with the matter properly.


You learn from your mistakes that it is my fault, of course, there's no question. Thanks for the answer, but it was not an answer to my question. I'm also not concerned with the lack of 200 euro, it is about the fact that there's a scammer on the Internet to pull people off and that everything is put on hold for now. It is just astonishing to me.


Yes, but at the bank I don't think it's easy to provide incorrect data, can I? You need an ID card as much as I know? But well, yes, then unfortunately it doesn't help.


I think there are e.g. Z. More important than 200 euro that someone has ripped off.


Ok thanks for the answer! I will of course still wait, it would be inhumane to ask for a week in this case, but for later it is a good option.




As I said, it does not give me around 200 euro but the scammer, I may be thinking superficially, but if the police say, Z. Weekly flashes in the district should also be time to uncover his fraudsters.


The police usually flashes. Not the county. The police only laser.


I was cheated on Ebay classifieds, there I wanted to buy a cheap PS4.

And then the effect was there: want to have, want to have…

What didn't you understand about this indentation?:

the ebay classified ads often enough.

Users of ebay classifieds can register anonymously and this is exactly how the fraud works - not an attempt to defraud.

You can only wait until the public prosecutor starts the investigation and determines the bank account holder. Whether it succeeds remains to be seen.

Once the bank account holder has been determined, you can make a civil claim to the seller.

So these are two processes:

Criminal law (did you do it)
Civil law (you have to wait and see)

Fraudsters always come across as very serious. That is part of the "business model".


Thank you for your answer. Unfortunately, it is currently difficult for me to pick up something with an exit limit, so by bank transfer. Of course there are safety instructions, but e.g. B. Smoking on cigarette packs can be fatal, and yet you smoke, right? In any case, I should have been more careful, but it doesn't change the fact that it happened. Everyone makes their mistakes. But thanks for the rest - then I'll wait for civil law.