Is anyone good at assembling PCs?

- in PlayStation

Me, my brother and my father have my brother just recently a PC on the website Kiebel zusammengestellt. It said PC has cost about 1100 euro and has, inter alia, a GTX 1060, 8 GB RAM, six-core CPU. During the transport of the PC by post was a kind of "transport cushion" inside the PC to protect the hardware. The PC could also start and set up normally, after initial difficulties with the WLan card we have then solved the problem. Finally, we have connected to the PC 2 screens, as well as an LG keyboard and mouse, as well as a wireless headset, which he has also used in his PS4 before. However, when we wanted to play the first game together (and zsm on Discord), both of his screens quickly turned off the service and both indicated they were not receiving any signal from the PC. So we checked the cable connections and everything and tried again to start the game but again it did not work. The whole thing we have then again a few times in the hope that it could then work, which unfortunately did not.

So I hope now here in the forum to get help with our problem of more experienced PC-hobbyists who may even have had exactly this problem before and therefore know it. But I'm also very happy about any suggestion or any guess, as we've tried a lot and really long rum, thanks in advance!


First of all, the PC is either excessively overpriced or poorly put together. I suspect something of both.

But that's not the point now, when the screens lose the signal, what do you have to do to get it back?


This is different, once we had to wait only a short time, the other times it was necessary to restart the PC.


Do you know which model the 1060 is?


Palit GeForce GTX 1060 StormX, 6GB GDDR5 (all content I can find on the bill)


I suspect that you have the screens on the motherboard plugged in and not on the graphics card. When the game starts, the onboard signal probably switches to a dedicated graphics card, so the signal is lost.


The screens are connected to the horizontal connector, so the graphics card, thanks anyway!


Ok, have you also connected the screens s.der graphics card?


@ DrBlub we have, unless it would be installed so that it is not the lower horizontal bar.


No, that's right. Must just exclude all eventualities. I would either tap outdated drivers or overheat. I would say yes, look under the map if the fans are turning, but I do not know if if you put the case on the warranty expires. But you can check the drivers for actuality


Okay, I'll look. And with drivers do you mean the graphics card or others?


What kind of screens and cable connections do you have… Which video driver did you install and which cable exactly?

if the screens are equipped with Freesync → turn off the function directly on the screen:-)


Yes of graphics card, but if you have the PC but not 14 days I would send it back and buy something decent.

Is an Intel or AMD CPU installed?


CPU is from Intel


Ok, as I said that is not really a sensible combination, but the decision is up to you


One is an old Medion TV and the other is an Asus Gaming Monitor (I can't say more). Which cable connection exactly do you mean? Graphics driver is NVIDIA. Cable, no idea, did not know that the nh plays so big role. Yes, I'll try that, thanks for the tip


What would be a sinful?


This one costs 50 euro less and has almost triple the performance. The problem is that you have to assemble it yourself:

But even a finished PC would be more useful than your current is just less power for the same money:

I would advise you to build yourself


I'll talk about that. Thank you in any case for your mega help, especially at this time!


Also installs the latest driver from Nvidia

Version 430.39 is currently causing some problems and should be upgraded to version 430.53 with the appropriate hotfix

the fan turns off the graphics card when it gets gaming load and plug all power plugs into the card properly (maybe you unintentionally unplug one when removing the transport lock:-))


No thing, if in any direction are still questions say. And if you decide to build yourself, I can help you as well


Will I definitely check tomorrow, as well as update the driver, thank you very much!


We will, thank you!


Since you still need a wlan card, if you want to build it yourself, you have to order it (if that's right):