Ps4 Bild Problems sometimes there and sometimes not?

- in PlayStation

Hello I'm trying to explain my problem as precisely as possible and although I had the problem that the picture went away from my ps4 but was there again afterwards or a few minutes later and this was repeated. It was also in repair for this reason (there the HDMI connection was changed and the heat paste was renewed and then they did not send it for repair because it was always running ps gamestop) but this problem did not go away but came more rarely if at all every few hours for a few minutes and before About 1 month it didn't work with the picture at all that it was constant an hour ago I connected it again and now it works again as if nothing had happened can someone help me what the problem is I can repair it currently not allowed but maybe someone knows about it and can help me or give me tips on what I could do if it should happen again, thanks in advance from Sincerely


I would try to connect the console to another television first. Maybe the cause is the (HDMI of the) TV?


Tried everything

PS4 problems who helps? Pe Perpetualdrew
PS4 connection problems? ma marbleSplendid