What about my FritzBox?

- in PlayStation

For now, I apologize for the inconclusive question title. In addition, it could be that my problem is formulated a bit confused because I'm very frustrated that the "high end" Fritz box does not do what it should. Here is my problem:

I have moved and therefore have new internet, fiber optic 250K line. Judging by research, I should download around 30mb per second and have a connection strength of 250mbit / s. So far so good. For this purpose I got the Fritzbox 7590.

I now have my PlayStation connected to the router via LAN cable (0.9m), but in the download I only get 12.5mb / s instead of 30mb / s which, according to my research, corresponds to a 100K line. Connection strength is 40 mbit / s. Where, according to the router, there's a LAN connection with the PlayStation at 1Gbit / s (which can't be because I don't have that high bandwidth)

Is it the cable, the Fritz box, the PlayStation or the connection to the house? What can I do to get the line I'm paying for?


What can I do to get the line I'm paying for?

Clarify this with the Internet provider. They can measure the line and examine it for errors.


Have you ever done a speed test yourself to see what really goes down with you?

Most providers always say "Up to"…


According to speedtest.net, I only get 91mbit / s. Do not know how strong the speedtest is. But as I said, when I go to the Fritz box settings it says 249 mbit / s. Is the Fritz box lying?


The first thing to do is take a look at the fritzbox web interface, how much is actually getting to you… Full 250K down?

the 1Gbit Ethernet is only a connection between the PS and the router, no further.

The fact that you only have a download of 12 MB / s may also be due to the fact that other devices are currently online and also use the traffic. In addition, the speed from the Internet is to be understood ambiguously. The server must have as much upload as you can download. If the server only allows you to use 30Mbit / s, you can only use it to the maximum.

do a speed test with the pc via ethernet. Unplug all devices and turn off Wi-Fi. What are measured?


I was alone in the network and did the speed test via WLAN. There came 91mbit / s.

According to the Fritz box web interface, I have 249.0 Mbit / s download


Wi-Fi is unstable, so it falsifies the values depending on the range, signal strength etc. It is better to measure with ethernet. But ok.

as I wrote it can also be the fault of the server. You get a full 250Mbit, but whether the server from where you download can also upload a full 250? You never know


You can forget about speedtest via WLAN. Speed test from PC via LAN should show the really achievable speed. Even there, if the PC is old or with cheap components, it should reach at least 100. If not, complain to the provider.


The values mostly fit.

This means that you only get 100 Mbit / s.
Call your provider and report a malfunction to them.