I'm looking for a monitor for the ps4 gamen.ich I use at the moment one can tilten, that is, you can move forward and back, but I can't play properly if the monitor is not completely straight, say 0 degrees to me. For example, you can't bend a TV forwards or backwards. The TV is always tilted by 0 degrees. Now I'm looking for a monitor in the TV format (speak untiltable, neither forward or back bendable, as the television or as the cinema… The picture is completely straight, as it is projected onto a flat straight wall.) The monitor may clockwise Sense and be rotatable against it (horizontal)., But IN NO EVENT, forward or backward (vertical).
Then stop him at 0 degrees?
Why do not you just set it to 0 degrees?
Take spirit level and set to 0 degrees?
Vertical not horizontal
Spirit level can take the horizontal measure or put it across the screen and then just look until it is at 0 degrees.
Water trucks work in every direction.
Incline to vertical, make it to not with a Geodreieck