PS4 ControLler doesn't connect?

- in PlayStation

The controller has never been connected to my PS4. I connected it to the USB cable, waited briefly, pressed the PS button, flashed white, then it slowly glowed in orange (meaning that it was charging). Didn't work. PS4 switched off, controller reset, controller from cable etc. Tried everything, same problem.

In addition, one should note the picture:

PS4 ControLler doesn t connect

PS: I have no way to control the Playstation otherwise, let alone switch it off properly.


If it is not bad for you and you know your account data you can reset your ps4 to factory settings something like that where i had my ps4. To put them back on the Ps4 where you turn it on (not above the controller) turn it off but then don't take your fingers down until it beeps again. Then let go just then you have to choose what you want then it says reset or delete everything or something. You choose that then everything will be deleted and automatically restarted then everything is fine again so it was with me info: if you log in to your Ps4 account again everything is back except the games. But if you have it on a disc you can download it again.


Thank you for the answer