Looking for a gaming monitor (compatible PS5 and PC)?

- in PlayStation

I'm looking for a gaming monitor that will mainly be used for my PS5. Since I'm often at the computer for work, but also play one or the other game here, this should also be compatible here. I heard that the PS5 should sometimes cause problems with normal monitors.

In terms of price, this should also be kept within reasonable limits, and of course I would like to drive as cheaply as possible. So it doesn't have to be a high-end device. I have a 100 Euro Media Markt voucher that I would like to invest in this. There are enough monitors for 150 euro, but I lack competence ^^

I would also like to buy 2-3 more identical models over the year so that I can work on several monitors at the same time. So it should also be well suited for this. A curved monitor is almost out of line in my eyes, although these are probably different spheres in terms of price: /


Why should a curved monitor be omitted? You can put them next to each other and use them like a flat monitor and they are usually not really more expensive.

That is well suited:



You will probably only find 1080p monitors in this price range.
For the PS5, at least 1440p would make more sense. Of course also with at least 120Hz. 144Hz monitors are more than 120Hz, so that's OK too.

I bought this one as a pure gaming monitor for the future PS5 and also for PC: (about 430 euro currently)

If it is too expensive for you, there would be e.g. These not so good ones:
about 260 euro currently (similarly good monitor but 1080p instead of 1440p)

approx 230 euro currently (24 inches) (certainly not bad, but not as good as the above LGs)

approx 180 euro currently (24 inches)

All of these monitors work 100% in conjunction with the PS5 at 120Hz.
The cheaper the monitor, the less good it is, roughly speaking. Not necessarily, of course.
It is best to google whether one of them is suitable for you, or whether another is better for you. There are of course other good monitors.
You won't go wrong with the first 2, even if they are more expensive. The second will probably be sufficient otherwise if 1080p is sufficient for you, but you value good quality.
In general, optimally adjust the settings of the monitor. Google can be helpful for this.


Thank you, you gave me a good overview! LG Evi