5.1 Connect system via TV with PS4 Slim?

- in PlayStation

I bought a new home cinema system in Teufel's 5.1 format (Concept E450 Digital). Now I want to connect the system to my PS4 Slim to use it as the output source instead of the TV speakers. Now I wondered how I should wire the devices together to use the full 5.1 sound on the Ps4. Would it be possible to connect the TV via HDMI with the PS4 and hang the system via optical connection to the TV?


That should work!

Here's how it works:

The Ps4 sends the audio signals to the TV through HDMI

The TV picks it up and sends it on to the optical output through the optical cable

If the sound still comes through the TV, you should check the settings but it should work


Has worked, thank you!