In this situation, does it make sense to buy a Ps5 and switch to Linux?

- in PlayStation

So first hello zsm.

I'm 14m and have played a lot in the last few years (Pc). The desire to gamble has passed pretty badly over the past few months (luckily my father πŸ˜‚). I enjoy things like going out with a dog, etc.

I thought that I might sell my graphics card (to get some money) and then only use the PC for school etc.

But why switch to Linux? Well, I've had a lot of problems with Windows in the past few years (updates, programs, etc.). My father told me that Linux would be much better. Quote: "Once you get it, it is much better than Windows and there are fewer problems". I know that Linux is not as well known as Windows. What do you think of Linux?

I would get the Ps5 mkr on the ground if I still want to play relaxed with my buddy COD or something. Here we come to the next reason why I prefer to play a Ps: With the console it is like this, DVD in and enjoy, with the PC, however, you first have to see whether the PC is able to grab the game at all and then you have to do many more do - that pisses me off πŸ˜….

So I wrote a lot now. Briefly summarized:

Would you rather switch to a console for gaming in this situation?
Am I finally out of the gamble phase?
Do you think Linux "causes" less headache than Windows?
What would you do in my place?


Nope, the gamble phase is not over yet. Still not with me. Only in 12th grade I didn't gamble ironly.

The programs you already know will only run on Linux to a limited extent. For example, Microsoft Office does not run on Linux; but there's enough replacement.

You can also install Linux and Windows in parallel and choose between Linux and Windows when starting.

I think the idea with the PS5 is good.


I'll list the whole thing.

No, the PS5 will easily cost over 500 euro.
Apparently at first.
In any case, I use Windows but I know that Linux is much more pleasant. No headache like with Windows.
I personally would not do anything. Leave everything like that, if I feel like a round, just on the PC. But your decision is ultimately.


So first of all thank you for your staying power πŸ˜‚.

The programs for the school are mostly via the Internet (Gmail etc.) so this will not be a major restriction.

Just a quick question of the i7 2600 does dpch have an integrated graphics unit? Otherwise there's not much going on without Graka. As I said, I only need the Ps5 occasionally.


If the i7 doesn't have an F, it has an iGPU, yes.


Another reason is that my PC is not the best except for the graphics cardπŸ˜‚ i7 2600 Rx590 and 16 GB DDR3

Which is why I would have to buy a new PC in the near future. So that I would be looked after for a few years, I would have to leaf through 800-1000, which is a lot of money as 14 when you consider that I'm slowly saving on the A1.

And lastly, thank you very much 😊


Nop there's also no K, which I would rather than blank empty πŸ˜‚


Well, an RX590 is not bad now.

It currently creates all current games.

The CPU could be really better.


CPU Bottleneck the graphics card is 100% the stupid you know it new CPU = new mainboard = new RAM = feels new PC c


The CPU bottleneck definition.


100,000% percent

And it would be smarter to sell the graks and buy a new one. That's why I thought that since I only want to gamble more rarely and a bit more relaxed, the PS5 would be more appropriate (depending on how much it will cost) than a new PC.


Hui, that's really antique.

Hmm, with the 1155 base you unfortunately don't have that choice. A 3770K or an E3 1290v2. But both are not so high-flying.

The GraKa for sale makes mMn. No sense. You might get 100 euro if you're lucky.

The question is, which one do you prefer to play? If you don't care and your buddies all have the PS5, take the PS5. If they are more likely to play PC, stick to the PC.

Assuming the PS5 will cost around 500 euro, you will get a decent mainboard, a good processor and 8GB RAM. You don't need more at first and can save on RAM and SSD for now. You can gradually make them. Sure, the 590 is no longer fresh, but is still enough.


For less than 400 euro you get mainboard, 3600 and 2x8GB 3600MHz RAM.


Then I think it over carefully.


Moin, I think about it all again carefully. So far I have been playing a lot. Almost only on pc. Most of my buddies have a ps


You already have your graphics card! Then you only need to spend 400 to 500 euro for the rest, if at all (hard drive and power supply, and the casing may also be good, ram, processor and mainboard don't cost 350 euro if you stay on the carpet


Yes, a console is always worth playing! You're definitely not quite out of the gamble phase! It always fluctuates with me! Sometimes you don't feel like it. If the PC is for school, a hackintosh would be a better option than Linux! Is it intel based?


Jo nen i7 2600


Jo has a 1 TB HDD and a 240 SSD. Housing is solalal πŸ˜‚.

I'll think about it again

Edit: PSU is a firecracker loaded with 550W from China


I think I'm waiting for the price of the PS5, it is over 500-600, I will probably upgrade the PC.


So I play on PC and on ps. But I will also get the PS5, maybe not immediately after appearance, but shortly afterwards. Find personally that gaming at the console is more pleasant. I would still keep my PC.

In your case, I would first install Linux parallel to Windows, so that you can familiarize yourself with Linux, but still have a system that you are familiar with.


How is a hackintosh a better option? It is a lot more difficult to install because the hardware compatibility is very limited. In the end, a Mac is almost exactly like a Linux system.


πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ the moment when someone says that MacOS should be better than GNU + Linux, MacOS is even bigger rubbish than Windows.


Many thanks for your response.

I think I'll wait and see how much the Ps5 will cost and then I'll either buy the Ps5 or upgrade my PC. I haven't played much on Ps yet, but found it somehow more relaxed.

I will do that because of Linux, but I also have my father who knows Linux very well.


With office programs! In addition, you have some other programs that do not run on Linux and you should not have to deal with software problems


This moment when someone thinks about everything and thinks he is an expert in software!


I know that Linux is not as well known as Windows. What do you think of Linux?

Linux is a replica of the Unix operating system. Unix was developed when Windows was considered a typo. So it's not that unknown. One can thus date the birth of the Unix / Linux principles to 1969. On January 1st 1970 the Unix clock was started. In the PC's, these are actually only counters, the status of which is then converted into year, month, day, hour, minute and second. If this counter is at zero, it corresponds to the date 1.1.1970.

Whatever you want to do with Play-Station and graphics card, I don't interfere. With Linux, however, it will be a gain in knowledge, and if you deal with the principles, it will also be a gain in fun and joy. As you penetrate deeper and deeper, gaming becomes a marginal phenomenon.

Another reason is that my PC is not the best except for the graphics cardπŸ˜‚ i7 2600 Rx590 and 16 GB DDR3.

For Linux this is already the land of milk and honey.


Is the IGPU of the i7 sufficient if I would sell / give away the graphics card?

So would you approve of switching to Linux?


Apple is dirt and only suitable for children / pensioners who have no idea about technology and need everything pre-assembled and pre-installed.


No! I don't need it pre-installed! I don't want to have to spend hours with downloads and Windows crash reports! The fact is: the software is adapted to the hatdware! So what do you want? Show that you installed everything yourself? CONGRATULATIONS πŸŽ‰πŸŽˆ


PS is definitely more relaxed. At least I think so. There are enough gamers to find the pc better, I think it's a good thing. Not everyone is the same. But as an occasional PC gamer, I also find it very interesting to upgrade a PC and have fun doing it.

And if your father is very knowledgeable about it, you definitely have it easier, had to fox me into Linux myself.