Assassin's Creed Odyssey: End Change Possible?

- in PlayStation

I recently finished playing Assassin's Creed Odyssey on PS4, and unfortunately, although I have spared everyone due to small mistakes in old dialogues with Diemos, I got the bad ending. Now I have no way to change that without restarting the game (and everyone who knows the game knows how long it will take. Now my question: Can you download a game of Alexios with the good ending somewhere? Maybe even one of the good question users on PS4.


I can't help you with a save point, but have you checked whether there's an automatic save point under the menu item Load that goes back a long way.

I guess the bad end do you mean that Deimos and Myrinne died? To prevent this, you should have given the correct answers a few chapters earlier and in the last chapter.

Otherwise don't worry about it, either if you have fun play it through again, otherwise you won't miss anything. After the meal is over anyway - you can only hire them on the ship, but there are no quests with them anymore.