Can the police locate my ps4?

- in PlayStation

Can the police locate my ps4?


Yes she can


Air strike is already on the way


If this PS4 is connected to the internet then yes. Even easier than you would think. So if you've done something wrong, then it's best to format the hard drive now.


Naturally. All you need to do is call Sony and you're done.

Otherwise there's of course an IP.


What is formatting?


Connect the hard drive to a PC and if it shows up as a storage device on your PC then right click and try to format it. Formatting erases everything that's on it. There are two types of formatting. Fast and slow. Fast deletes everything and slow overwrites all data with 0. So nothing can be found there anymore. Unfortunately, I have absolutely no idea what a PS4 looks like from inside. I do not know whether it is an HDD or SSD, whether it is soldered to the mainboard. The best thing to do is to throw it away and buy a new PS5 soon.


Yes, the police will show you up in 1-2 weeks because you messed up a lot.