My girlfriend often says that she wants to go, what is that about her?

- in PlayStation

Two days ago I wanted to eat rolls when I got home from work. My friend said to me that she would get me some from rewe. I said OK poppy seed rolls. Then she says. Or I could go to the bakery. Then I said OK, then I want two rye rolls. These are my favorite rolls. I told her you had to watch the bakery because of the lunch break.

She says. OK.

I come from work and what do I have to see. She wasn't at the bakery. He had a break at noon. Stadesen there are 3 poppy seed rolls from rewe chocolates and after eight sticks. Then I screamed at her and said to her that I'm looking forward to the bakery rolls all the time and now there are poppy seed rolls. And the sieve didn't wash them off properly either. I told her too. That she has to wash the egg again.

Then she stopped talking to me.

All right.

then I sat in front of the Playstation and wanted to host a round FIFA. Suddenly she gets up from the couch. Pack your things. And says I'm going. What shoud that?


Your girlfriend is not your property! Yelling at you for some buns is completely wrong! You can talk about that in peace. Honestly, I would have packed my things in their place and would have disappeared forever. You don't have to do that to yourself.


So I also wonder that your girlfriend has not left before.

A little insider tip, if you worry about your behavior in general, you will never be able to tie a friend to you in the long run…

Work on you, then everything will be fine…

P.S. Could it be that you were still female six weeks ago and are only doing stupid trolls here?


I would have thrown your things at you and kicked you out.

Such men don't need a woman.

Your girlfriend was still too nice to you.



She even went out of her way to get you poppy seed rolls!


Your question is a joke right? You seem to be a choleric who freaks out for a few rolls and then sits in front of the Play Station like a stubborn kid. You can only pack your things and quickly search for space.


No, it's just a stupid troll who was female six weeks ago…


What should you do… Nothing. Your girlfriend can do whatever she wants, she is not your property! Be glad that you got anything from the baker at all, because after such an action I would not bring you anything… Not even a piece of bread. She is absolutely right that she is going.


I wouldn't have had to pack my things anymore, I would have packed them up since the first such incident so that I could go about my things the next time I shouted.


Thanks for the info, I have already looked in the profile. However, it is beyond me why someone thinks up such a story and then posts it here. I wonder what that brings? I also find it completely corrosive when users think about a problem that does not exist. LG


Well, mostly such trolls are people who have an extremely low IQ, do nothing in real life and put their stupidity on the internet because they are anonymous there. I have already reported the user, but sometimes it takes a while for support to take effect…