Do you think my order will be canceled?

- in PlayStation

I ordered this PS4 Pro at around 12:30 p.m. (see picture 1). In the meantime (around 2pm) I wrote ZOSX, then an email via Amazon and requested a cancellation. Since the deadline for a GUARANTEED cancellation is 30 minutes, I'm not now sure whether it will still be canceled, because from the 30 minutes it depends on the goodwill of the seller. What do you think?


You can send it back if the cancellation didn't work, right?


That's what you do with orders? There's n button for cancellations.

Expect n dealers to read your mail on Sunday and work for you.


Yes, but you can't send a package on Sunday. Which is why I suspect that the seller will see and cancel the mail tomorrow. Is this actually a private seller or an Amazon employee or what?


Yes, but you can't send a package on Sunday. Which is why I suspect that the seller will see and cancel the mail tomorrow


Also, I just contacted Amazon customer service. He also wrote an e-mail to the seller