CPU GPU temperatures and fans?

- in PlayStation

I bought a laptop a few days ago (Acer Predator Helios) and play Fortnite, which I used to play on Ps4. Now I noticed that the Fps number drops significantly in the heat of the laptop and have a little bit looked at what I can adjust, have also found a few things, but have little idea of all this. So I can adjust with Predator Sense with what speed I ventilate, so the first question, I can always go to max. Air or has it synonymous disadvantages other than the volume?

My second question is, what is the GPU core clock? Should / can I put the turbo while playing? Say what advantages would that or even disadvantages?

The third question would be which temperature should I have when playing, so that nothing negative happens on the laptop?

The last question would be the following. I like to play on the sofa / bed, of course he gets a bit warmer because the fan is not completely free, should I vlt a book or something inferior or would that have disadvantages? Because I have a controller attached to the game anyway and do not have to touch it at all.


I can't say anything specific about your first questions. For this I miss the technical data. Also, I can hardly understand how the device behaves in practice.

Only one thing is certain, the cooler the system, the better.

Because, to avoid the heat death, the CPU and the Graka throttle down.

For your last question, I can give you some basic suggestions:



Such a notebook cooler (aluminum with USB hub) I had for my Pentium 4 notebook. That was a real "hothead" and it actually did bring a little something.

And such a simple (height-adjustable) table, the brand "very cheap" I have here also (metal poles and plastic table top). This can work amazingly well. Only this table is too narrow for a mouse to use.