Blocking time ALG 1 reference shortens or lengthens?


How does it actually behave with an announced lock time with reference to ALG 1 (which I do not even get there since still in processing)? I receive proposals almost daily by mail to which I should apply. I do that well, I'm actually just about the principle. So far, the proposals were nothing of a legal advice. Today came the first suggestion where a legal remedy was thereby a blocking period of 3 weeks occurs if I do not introduce myself. PS: I have to be invited first:-) What is still funny… Application deadline 30.01.19 to 30.06.19! Would I now get a lock-up period would the relation to ALG 1 be shortened by these? Or Extend… Does ALG 1 mean by the end of 2019 minus the 3 weeks or ALG 1 by the end of 2019 plus the 3 weeks? As I said only a question of understanding.


Go to the lawyer… Social right. But you do not pay anything wil you live by Arge… Then you are also the safe side


He does not live off the cause.


In the blocking period, the total duration of the payment of the unemployment benefit is reduced by the period of the lock.


There's no ARGE (more)


Your blocking times will be lost to you, so are deducted from the total claim, if the claim would go to the end of 2019, then it would also be because the blocking period would be executed right at the beginning bzw.dann then if you would violate a duty to cooperate.

The period would remain the same, only then would you get accepted for a month only benefits for 9 days, there should be a lock of 3 weeks.

If, after a 3-week suspension, you again violated a duty, e.g. Again declining / canceling a reasonable job for no good reason or declining / canceling a job for no good reason, then there would be a lock-up period of 6 weeks.

If the whole then again before, then there's usually a blocking period of 12 weeks, together would result in a blocking period of a total of 21 weeks, comes to min.21 weeks or more, eliminates the entire remaining claim.

Blocking periods § 159 SGB - lll

Then only ALG - 2 (Hartz - lV) would remain from the Jobcenter and there would then be at least a sanction of 30% of the regular living allowance of currently 424 euro (for example for a single) over a period of 3 months.

Sanctions / breaches of duty § 31 SGB - ll


Or live off the severance pay…