What about the affiliate program regarding tax knowledge (Twitch)?

- in Twitch

I have been streaming on the Twitch platform for some time now. For donations is already answered clearly for me: There are so few amounts that it does not interest the Office. My question now: What about the affiliate program?

So I was invited to this and I'm still setting up the tax interview. What should be considered when it comes to tax? I think that I will not get many subs. And I will probably not really use advertising. Is that really that tight to see? Or, as with donations, rather relative. I would like to have tips. Maybe you are also there and can tell me how you do it.

I look forward to your answers!

P.S. I'm 19 (student) and have been with tax, etc. Never mind.


There are so few sums that the office does not care

In principle, all revenue in Germany is taxable. This includes revenue from advertising or donations on a twitch stream. The misleading statement that donations are tax-exempt, is unfortunately only partially correct and concerns only non-profit associations. However, as a streamer you can't show such charitable status, revenue from streams must be taxed on Twitch.

Hardly any streamer knows that, but strictly speaking, you're doing yourself liable for tax evasion.

What about the affiliate program?

Since you need a tax ID, otherwise you can't sign up for the affiliate program, the question is unnecessary. Whether you only make 1 sub a month or 100 does not matter. If you do not give your details, you commit a crime & the fine is depending on where you live in DE, among others. Very heavy.

Is that really that tight to see?

Yes! It is taxable income


For tax purposes, you are obliged to surrender something from a certain income. In principle, you have to report it to Finanz, but if you do not do it, you will not be asked. If you someday deserve better, then I would report it. [Link removed by support, please no self-promotion]


I do not worry about my tax number.