Can you compare GEZ with subs and donations on Twitch?

- in Twitch

So that's as if every household had to "give subs" for 17.50 euro a month for state television, right?

Conversely, it would be cool if all Germans had to invest 17.50 euro in subs and bits in German streamers every month. That would help the streamers a lot and that would be good, wouldn't it?


A donation is a donation that a private person can't and can't simply accept. Because you have to issue a donation receipt for each donor.

If you want to call it a "tip", you need 1. A business & 2. Is it taxable and subject to registration. If you don't do it, it's tax evasion.
The same applies to the affiliate program. Business is MANDATORY here!

Conversely, it would be cool if all Germans had to invest 17.50 euro […] in German streamers every month

Will come. Do not worry.


You can also compare it to a cute puppy dog.