Streaming addict?

- in Twitch

I have a small problem. First of all I'm 23 years old and not one of the women who want to forbid their men from gambling or who has a strong problem with it. On the contrary, I often say when I notice he is really up for it, go play quietly 2 - 3 hours.

My friend started streaming on Twitch 2 months ago. Since then our relationship has been running completely for the A…

Since that started, as I said, everything has subsided. The contact, seeing that (we don't live together yet), the interest in me except when I'm supposed to please the gentleman 😉

When I'm there on the weekend or during the week, he only hangs on the PC, streaming at least 5 to 8 hours a day. And from a certain time around 6 p.m. To 7 p.m. I'm written off until the next morning. No conversations, no togetherness - NOTHING

I've talked to a lot of people about it, but none of these are objective opinions. I would like to know from a few strangers how they would react and how they think about it

And yes, I have already had a lot of conversations about whether this could possibly be restricted a bit, I just fell on deaf ears and was told I want to ruin and ruin everything

I made clear announcements that I'm unhappy and dissatisfied and so I no longer want to have a relationship. Then I just wanted to forbid him something that he enjoyed (especially streaming on Twitch). Which is not so at all! He doesn't understand that I just want to see more interest. His priority in one sentence "Yes, we can see each other for 2 hours, but from 6 p.m. I have something to do and we'll see each other" - 7 days a week

LG the neglected girlfriend


Is he very ambitious? Does he want to achieve something with the streamer and make a living from it? ^ ¬ ^


Completely objective, don't go there anymore. Just sit around alone

Honestly, nobody is going to be successful on Twitch now, especially if they are just starting out. Twitch only pushes its big partners, there are thousands of micro streamers who have no changes in growth and are living a dream that will not come true


3 min, ouch




I would ignore him completely for now. He should contact you if he wants to see you (not just for sex).

Perhaps then he will notice that it can't go on like this. I would give him a little more time. If nothing really changes, I would unfortunately end it.


That would be his goal. But when you quasi give up your social life. And not even the girlfriend is important anymore. Is it all worth it?


Thank you for your opinion!


I would love to 🙂 wish you all the best.


Many thanks for your response! Hard as hell, but it will probably have to come down to it Must take off my pink glasses.


I'm sorry for you too! I mean that seriously. But if you can't value a relationship, you don't deserve me either.


Wasn't meant negatively by Knallhart. Sometimes it has to be to open his eyes. That's how I see it, too, it's just as difficult to understand how this streaming and gaming can endanger or even end a well-functioning relationship.


Thank you for your opinion!


I also ruined a relationship because I gambled on the PC. I just didn't notice it because my focus was somewhere else


Yes, it will probably be the same with him. It just makes me angry that something good breaks up because of a "game". But there's really nothing you can do about that.


Is of course not that cool for you. But I can understand him with stream if he has a few viewers then he notices that if he streams more he gets more viewers and subs (paid subscriptions). When a person realizes that he can make money with what he enjoys, then he always wants it more.

You should perhaps wait a few days / weeks until he is out of the first stream phase. Then the viewers usually do not climb so furiously and he has built up against coming viewers then he can also stream less and still has active viewers. Then he may want to have more time with you.

You can just talk to him again and ask how he thinks how you can best combine it and maybe set stream times then you know when he has no time and his viewers when he is live.