Is this PC good enough for streaming on YouTube while gambling?

- in Twitch

So the PC I want to get I will insert at the end of the question, because I have a few conditions in advance on the PC.

And people I know myself zero with PCs so please take my question seriously.

What I ask for:

At least 144FPS without streaming

At least 60 with streaming

Not necessarily: but ReStreaming so on Twitch and YouTube simultaneous streaming.

Other side questions:

Can I rotate a video while I stream (or without)?

Can I play strechted on the PC? 1080 × 1080

The pc is bought to play with controller on it, how is that possible?

Which PCs could you recommend me between 1000 and 1500 euro from the conditions above?

Here is the link to the PC:

Other link:

And I thank you in advance.


Somehow send another link. The only indicates my shopping cart. Is there somehow such a public Einkaifswagen button?



Can you recommend a similar NEN I have now put together roughly times:

It is a bit cheaper, and you can book it for 150 euro on the assembly.

But the one you have configured on mifcon is also quite good.

To answer your other questions. That's 144fps for most games.

If you want to stream you need a good internet connection first, so much impact on your fps will not have that, 60 you definitely get.

For the controller, I would pick a wireless adapter. So if you have an Xbox one controller. I do not know about Ps4 Controller, but you should be able to connect via USB just like the xbone controller.

You can play any relationship on any PC.


Sure, you can't build it yourself? There are some tutorials on Youtube that describe this very well.

The PC costs 200 euro more than if you would build it yourself and you still have the advantage that you will get in comparison to Mifcom no NoName graphics card with probably a little louder fans and most likely have no Chinaböller power supply.

But back to the question: It depends on which games you play, how good the graphics and the resolution should be and in which resolution / refresh rate (fps) you stream. In principle for games that are not as demanding as CSGO, it should be more than enough.

And I believe that even you should be able to stream games like BfV with relatively high settings (of course without Raytracing) in 60 fps.


Thank you, but again a side issue are the cool graka uss good?


Am too inexperienced and very timid in such things that something breaks. But I can think about it, thank you.


Otherwise, you can look around at, they have a pretty good price-performance.


Thanks, I do


What does "uss" mean?




Oh, yes. You do not have to worry about graka coolers. Only the airflow in the housing is important. So that the orientation of the radiator is like that, the beautiful at one end all the air is drawn in and out the other. Then you should not have a problem with graka coolers or dust. The important thing is that you have a good CPU cooler installed. Especially because your CPU is from AMD. Would most likely get a 1 or 2 fan water cooler set. These are not so huge water cooling systems but only so closed systems that are easier to install than air coolers. You have a lot more space in your case.


Where would these be displayed on mifcom? Do not find this


With me, go with cpu cooler down until you hit hydro. The water coolers are corsair H100 and h60 and a few others. They are water coolers, but still use fans to cool the water. So, so to speak ne indirect air cooling. But that is always the case.


Can't the given one stay?


So if it has to be a finished PC I would recommend one from