Streaming on YouTube or Twitch?

- in Twitch

Your opinion counts. Which platform in your opinion makes more sense for streaming? Currently streaming on both under the name MrFreedomHD. But I would like to limit what the streaming concerns to one.


In my opinion, I find it better to stream on YouTube. Simply because it's all in one. Most people are for Twitch. You think YouTube is bad at streaming and YouTube just for videos. The benefits are actually on YouTube (I think):

- Your subscribers are disadvantaged when you stream

- Most people only subscribe to YouTube (if you use two platforms) and then you will not get it if you're on Twitch live

This is a video where two relatively famous people argue about what is better. Rather, they counter with counter-arguments. There you will make your decision.

LG M1K4 (also on YouTube: 3)


Many find YouTube better, but I find twitch just has a much better quality


Do a dual stream if you have enough Internet power, so you have 2in1 xD

Fun aside, I think the 'more successful' will be worth more YouTube, but if you have a certain number of subscribers on YouTube, or even many viewers, then Twitch is always there for you with a top quality, of course, YouTube has also great qualities, but Twitch is focused on streaming.

Just listen to the advice of M1K4, because in the end it's your decision where you feel more comfortable.