720p60 stream on Twitch?

- in Twitch

I wanted to ask if you can make a liquid 720p60 stream with intel core i5 3.20 Ghz and 4 GB of RAM, no graphics card. Streamed is a mobile game via usb please transfer to answer

Internet 11er upload


How is your internet connection?


11er upload


Have an 11 he upload


What do you mean by that?


Not really.

You only have one i5, do not lead on what one. Regardless, here should be a 6 (better 8) Kerner on werkeln (Ryzen 7 models, for example). The i5 simply does not have enough capacity for streaming.
You say you only have one APU… So you will not get any further because your CPU still has to take over the graphics part which leads to even more capacity loss.
Also, 4 GB are too little likely, there are also very slow memory (below 2000)

Except for your upload (11 Mbit as you say) you will not get a reasonable qualitative stream with 60 FPS let alone in combination with 720p.