720p60 on Twitch sufficient?

- in Twitch

Do you think 720p60 with a bitrate of 5000 is sufficient for streaming or would you switch off immediately? Example Fortnite, Minecraft, Valorant or CSGO


There are some streamers who prefer 720p or 980p. It also helps viewers who don't have the best internet connection. The most important thing is that the stream stays at a stable 60 FPS and does not lag, 720p is then the minimum, but sufficient for good quality.


720 @ 60 at 5000 is perfectly fine.
You always have to keep in mind that the bitrate has to be downloaded again by the viewer. Many people use Twitch on the move, because high bit rates are often a hindrance. Where 5000 is a bit too much. 4500 are also quite sufficient here.

Another alternative is 900p @ 60. Here the bit rate should be at least 4500, depending on the upload you have.