Tips for getting started on Twitch as a streamer?

- in Twitch

I wanted to turn to this page to get some tips and tricks!

I plan to start with Twich and wanted to ask if you have any advice for me to have a smooth start.

Was planning to stream LoL with Streamlabs (equipment is ready for use)

Do you know maybe good extensions on Twich or maybe good games to stream etc?

I'm open for everything!


In addition to all the technical stuff (where someone else can hopefully give you better information), it is important to do what you enjoy.

You should also be able to deliver good content and "that certain something". Because as you already know, there are a lot of large and many more small streamers who have the same goal as you.

So make sure that you can deliver something that the others can't and thus stand out from the crowd.


I will do that!