Minigames Faker plays in its streams?

- in Twitch

Maybe some of you know the League of Legends streamer "Faker". This stream on Twitch regularly already called game. I noticed that it plays different minigames during its loading screens. My question is:

Do you know where he got it from? Whether these whole games are listed somewhere or something? If not, is there anyone who can give me some names of his / her similar games?

I would especially like to see a game that I saw in one of its streams an eternity ago. This game is about building a ramp that is as stable as possible. The layout of this mini-game looks something like the picture in the appendix.

Minigames Faker plays in its streams

This game is called "Poly Bridge"


Yes, I see that, thank you ^^ However, this game costs around 9 euro. I'm looking for free games of this kind, but thanks ^^