Streaming on Twitch via x264 or new NVENC?

- in Twitch

After a long saving I put together a pc - it includes an i9900ks and an rtx 2080ti

My question now is when I stream on Twitch, should I rather encode via the CPU or the GPU? The quality is almost identical for both, since the new Nvenc has been improved a lot - but my question is now will I get better gaming performance if I encode my strong CPU or if I encode my strong GPU?
I imagine if I now run the encoding on the graphics card too, that this is then very stressed in newer games and I e.g. Lose FPS
Of course I try it all out, but my system will only be ready for practice in 1-2 weeks, so I just ask in advance.


You imagine that exactly wrong.

NVENC hardly loads the GPU, you won't notice a difference. X264, on the other hand, puts a heavy load on the CPU but has a slightly better compression (i.e. Better quality at the same bit rate).

The GPU is almost not loaded at all because it is a hardware encoding unit that has been specially packed into the GPU for encoding videos, so the rest of the GPU is not noticeably loaded.


Ah understand, thanks for your answer! I had looked at it very amateurishly: Encoding via CPU = stressful for the CPU and considered equivalent to the GPU