As a cop, sign up for a business and stream on Twitch?

- in Twitch

I'm currently in the first year of training with the police BW and would have some questions regarding the live streaming on Twitch! Since streaming has been one of my biggest hobbies for years, I would like to do it as a sideline! I already know the frame boundaries (1/5 of the main working time, a maximum of 40% of the annual income of the main job, etc.), but some basic questions remain open!

Sure, as an official you have to report all sideline activities and get approved. But before I give myself the nakedness and run with this request directly to the employer, I would like to first ask something here and hope for qualitative answers.

Is streaming allowed on platforms like as a civil servant?
Business registration for coming officials as a part-time job just so possible?
How do the revenues of both "jobs" collide? Do not I have to pay more taxes in percentage terms due to low revenue on Twitch?
If I earn less than 450 euro per month via Twitch, will I have any fees at all? Or does that still count under "mini-job"?

Schonmal in advance thank you for your answers to this quite strange question!


Difficult topic…
As a police officer you also have a representative task.
so if you build mist in the stream that will certainly not like to be seen.

So you'd better ask if you can basically stream.


As long as you do not make a fool of yourself, or stream things that are borderline, it's okay
Clearly no problem
Since you're not going to be a top earner anyway, you do not need to worry because you're paying less than 30% on your extra income
Sure you have levies there, it's finally not a 450 euro job


Achso I do not know what you will earn in the first job, but there may be problems because you are probably below the income thresholds in social security. You will then have to pay the contributions yourself (health insurance, long-term care insurance, pension insurance)


Is streaming allowed on platforms like as a civil servant?

Yes, but there's a civil service law of your state (or BBG for federal officials) in there are also ancillary activities.

Business registration for coming officials as a part-time job just so possible?

Basically the same answer as for the first question.

How do the revenues of both "jobs" collide? Do not I have to pay more taxes in percentage terms due to low revenue on Twitch?

Your income from employment (civil servants' remuneration - income-related expenses) and business activity (sales - business expenses) will be added to the total income.

Thereof, special expenses are deducted (contributions to the GKV or contribution shares of your private health insurance that are based on GKV-equivalent benefits) and the taxable income is determined. If your trade is good, there would be a back payment.

Do you have 100% subsidy this is unnecessary and there were only the PPV contributions.

Important: In the case of income income types (trade, self-employment, agriculture and forestry), the tax returns and EÜR (income, turnover and trade tax) must be electronically authenticated by 31.07. Delivered the following year. On paper is not allowed.

If I earn less than 450 euro per month via Twitch, will I have any fees at all? Or does that still count under "mini-job"?

Self-employment can't be a mini-job. The deduction for sideline activities regarding the tax amounts to 410, - € per year.


As an official candidate, there's no social security obligation.

Sideline income does not change the status. He is not employed full-time and therefore insurance-free, means referred to KV / PV he can choose freely between voluntary SHI or private health insurance, if he does not even 100% aiding (= free medical care), then he must complete only a private long-term care insurance.


But the contribution in private health insurance is determined on the basis of total earnings, and thus he pays too little on his salary and must pay later on the income from this self-employment?

Yes and RV that's right, civil servants will get pension… Completely forgotten


Income is not the basis for calculating private health insurance tariffs but

Starting age,
Excess (not applicable to State aid tariffs) and
State of health (as of officials on probation, there's a compulsion to contract via the opening clause with a maximum of 30% risk premium).


Also right… If he was a voluntary member of the GKV, then he would have to pay, right?



Then, according to § 240 SGB V, all income up to the income threshold would be relevant to the contribution. And that's why it makes no sense for over 90% of all officials to be insured by law.