My streams or videos are not found on Twitch / Youtube?

- in Twitch

I often upload videos to Youtube and always include the appropriate tags. However, my videos are not found.

Could it possibly have something to do with IPV6? According to the contract I have DSLITE.

Years ago I still had the normal IPV4 and my videos were always found there, even if I only entered a few tags, which resulted in significantly more clicks than today.


That has absolutely nothing to do with it. Your videos are not found because they are so low that they appear far down in the search.


Only partially correct. The sheer number of clicks has nothing to do with the ranking


It has nothing to do with it.

You have very little range, so you won't be found. That with fewer clicks is normal in summer. Fewer people watch YouTube and therefore the clicks decrease. This is the case with all YouTubers.

The thing about the tags is the following: Youtube has changed the importance of the individual elements for the ranking. Currently it's Title> Thumbnail> Description> Tags. So the tags don't really matter. However, keyword spam is prohibited in the description.

What also affects the renking: watchtime (average watchtime in absolute numbers), ratings (not just likes) and comments. Of course, with little range you have very little of the last two. You can influence the watchtime by making your videos more interesting.


How should the videos get clicks if they can't even be found?

When I try to find my uploaded videos I always filter by upload date. And even there it is not included.

And the strange thing is that when I find it, it is no longer there the next day.


Yes obviously, but you don't want to tell me that his SEO is so good that he can generate organically from it. The keywords don't help either.


No of course not. Why do you interpret so much in there? I just said that the amount of clicks doesn't change the ranking. Not more.